
Criteo Commerce Audiences empower you to enrich your inventory with high-value commerce signals built from real shopper data. Commerce Affinity segments, which combine the power of shopping and content browsing behavior, are created via observed shopping behaviors and content consumption from Criteo's unique access to first-party commerce signals, leverage machine learning to identify highly indexing content, and target users with a high affinity to convert in a particular category.

Refer to the next steps to view the segments that are available off-the-shelf and by request for your specific region.

Segment Availability

All Commerce Affinity segments are available in the following regions: US, UK, FR, DE, ES, IT, JP, KR.

You can access the full list of available Commerce Affinity segments here: https://www.criteo.com/Affinity_Audiences_Taxonomy.txt

Targeting Segments

Select from existing available off-the-shelf segments or provisioned on-demand segments by selecting Criteo Commerce Affinity as the data provider within the "Audience Segment" section of the supply packaging workflow.

Click on the segments you would like to Include or Exclude, then click Confirm Selection to apply them to your supply package.

Requesting New Segments

In addition to the currently available segments, Criteo can generate new custom segments on demand in a variety of different categories beyond what is shown in the linked taxonomy.

To request new on-demand segments for activation, reach out to your Commerce Grid Account Team with the following details:

  • Buyer name

  • Product or Service being promoted

  • Start and end date

  • Campaign KPI/Goal

  • Total Budget

  • Desired audience segment OR category

Note: Turnaround time is 5-7 business days