
Search intent targeting builds audiences based on sets of specific search queries. These sets are defined by buyers and are meant to identify and target users who search for certain terms and phrases with a particular intention or goal.

Search Intent Segments

To create a new search intent segment, use the following steps.

  1. Follow Data ‣ Search Intent Segments ‣ Create.

  2. Name the new segment.

  3. Select the Curator for this segment from the dropdown list.

  4. Set the Lifetime for this segment.

  5. Select the Search Intent Region from the dropdown list. This field will define the location of targeted users.

  6. Select the Search Intent Language from the dropdown list. This field defines the language of search queries by targeted users.

  7. Populate the list of Search Terms for this segment. Each set of search terms must be on a new line.

  8. Save the segment